Welcome to the Springs Church Website

When Springs Church was planted in 2002, there were prophesies that this Church would become a 'beacon on a hill' to serve Caistor and the surrounding villages. In September 2017 this was realised when we rented premises at The Rock Foundation, 23 Grimsby Road, Caistor. We are located at the highest point in  Caistor: looking over the town and surrounding villages. We meet every Sunday in the Rock Foundation Cafe at 10.30 am. Call Pastor Kate for further details.


We are pleased to be registered with Warm Welcome UK. Every Monday morning (term times) from 9.30am to 12.30 we open up our Church Room at 23 Grimsby Road (The Rock) for Warm & Well - with free entry, refreshments and activities. Please do join us for a cuppa and chat in warm and  modern surroundings. Everyone Welcome! NOTE new summer opening time from 10am to 12.30pm

We are a friendly Church: casual in atmosphere but serious about Faith. Based in the small market town of Caistor in Lincolnshire, we have meeting together since 2002, and we invite you to include us in your Faith journey.

Contact Kate to ask for prayer, guidance or a helping hand!

Springs Church is a member of the Ground Level Network of churches based in Lincoln. (www.groundlevel.org.uk). Part of Churches Togetherin All Linconshire (CTAL),We also support various Christian charities such as Compassion UK, Open Doors, Barnabus Fund, Safe Families for Children (UK) and Samaritans Purse. 

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© Springs Church